
    Video recordings of presentations and performances

Friday 5 October 2012Studio Keller
1. Arrival and introduction
2. Myriam Gourfink – “The Breathing Monster”

Saturday 6 October 2012Paris-8 University
Body awareness and the self (1)
3. Erik Myin
4. Lisa Nelson
Body awareness and the self (2)
5. Steve Paxton

Sunday 7 October 2012Paris-8 University
Consciousness of movement, movement of consciousness
6. Aaron Schurger
7. Eva Karczag

Sunday afternoon presentations
8. Konstantina Georgelou
9. Florence Daupias d’Alcochete
10. Christophe Lopez
11. Emilie Gallier
12. Frédéric Bevilacqua
13. Joachim Forget
14. Luciana Cheregati & Ibon Salvador – “coletivo qualquer”
15. Malcolm Manning
16. Iris Trinkler
17. Suzanne Cotto
18. Natalie Heller

1. Arrival and introduction

2. Myriam Gourfink, “The Breathing Monster”

3. Erik Myin

4. Lisa Nelson

5. Steve Paxton

6. Aaron Schurger

7. Eva Karczag

8. Konstantina Georgelou

9. Florence Daupias d’Alcochete

10. Christophe Lopez

11. Emilie Gallier

12. Frédéric Bevilacqua

13. Joachim Forget

14. Luciana Cheregati & Ibon Salvador – “coletivo qualquer”

15. Malcolm Manning

16. Iris Trinkler

17. Suzanne Cotto

18. Natalie Heller

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